Pillars of Eternity

An isometric classic RPG!

You are travelling to a new land with a merchant caravan. On your journey, a tree on the road blocks your passage and you must camp in the woods next to some forbidden ruins for the night. What's worse, you have fallen ill and the caravan master sends you into the woods looking for a herbal remedy. The inhabitants of this land don't take kindly to your staying so close to the ruins, however, and believe you've trespassed. After your confrontation with them, a strange, magic storm comes upon the land. You try to evade it, with the help of a few others, by taking shelter in the ruins. However, the storm changes you, as it tried to rip your soul from your body but your soul was strong enough to cling on, although it remembers what the soul-realm looks like. Because of this, you have become a 'Watcher'. You can see what others can't; you can read people's souls, speak to the dead, and detect soul essence from the environment. Your soul also has become 'Awakened', as you now remember one of your past lives, one wracked with guilt and longing for answers, because in the storm you saw a man you recognised from back then. You are tormented with dreams and visions as your mental condition deteriorates. You must seek answers and find this mysterious man in the hopes of calming your awakened soul. And that's the opening hook to Pillars of Eternity 1, Babey! I can't say much about PoE 2: Deadfire without spoiling soooooo much about the first game (including the twist), which is alo why I highly reccommend playing the games in order and /not/ going immediately to PoE 2 (even if the gameplay is leagues better).

What I love About It

uhhh like everything lmao but in particular: (WIP)



The Gods

The Companions